Electronic Criminal Records Checks for Irish Nationals

You are able to get a Criminal Records check from Southern Ireland

But it has to be requested by the individual themselves not the employing organisation

Online requests usually takes around 14 days and that the paper application can take up to 6 weeks.

The online service can be accessed through this webiste: https://vetting.garda.ie

To request a check in writing, You should send a written disclosure request to the Garda, clearly stating that you are making the request under section 4 of the Irish Data Protection Act 1988 and that you require all the information that may be held about you on computer. The address to write to is:

Inspector in Charge
Garda Central Vetting Unit
Racecourse Road
Co. Tipperary

The Central Vetting Unit can also be contacted by telephone on 00353-50427300 or by fax on 00353-50427373

Your letter must also include the following:
•    your name and current address,
•    your date of birth,
•    any previous addresses you may have had within the Republic of Ireland, and
•    any previous names you were known by (if applicable)

A request for information under the Act carries a fee, which must be sent with your request. Please contact the Central Vetting Unit to find out what this will be and and how you can pay it.

You should expect to receive a copy of your record within 40 days of the Garda receiving your request and payment.

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